Audio Tools

make money online


make money onlineFree unlimited calls to anyone in the world. Skype is perfect for networking or just catching up with old friends. From good-old fashioned voice calls to video calls and conferencing, Skype makes communicating a breeze.


make money onlinePamela for Skype is an add-on that allows you to record Skype calls. This tool is great for creating interview products. The free version allows for 15 minutes of recording. You can upgrade for unlimited recording time.



Audacity is a free software for recording and editing sound. You can create mp3s by recording your voice. You can also add jingles to your audio products with its mixing function and so much more.


Audioboo is a mobile and web platform that allows you to effortlessly record and upload audio for sharing. You can also easily embed the audio to your website to add valuable content.



iSpeech is an online Text To Speech (TTR) service. Transform your site by allowing visitors to listen to your content as podcasts.





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