Christmas iPods and Cassettes
Just found this funny video and had to share it… Feel free to share it with anyone you think needs a good laugh. My apologies if you were expecting me to try and sell you something 😉 . Have a great weekend.
Just found this funny video and had to share it… Feel free to share it with anyone you think needs a good laugh. My apologies if you were expecting me to try and sell you something 😉 . Have a great weekend.
Is your inbox constantly flooded with marketing messages claiming to make you rich overnight or offering the cure to all your problems? Do you remember when it was fun to actually check your inbox and see real messages from real people that were actually of value? It seems that those days may be gone forever, … Read more
To register a website there are a few things that have to be taken into consideration. · Domain name – Your domain name is quite simply your website address and this is what people type into their browser when they want to find your site for example Your domain name is your online IDENTITY … Read more
“How to make my own website…” – If you were to search for that exact term in Google, you’d get over five hundred million results. Therein lies the problem; if YOU want to make your own website you’ll get lots of information that will not only be unhelpful but will probably be so technical you … Read more
If you fail to plan, then plan to fail. This was my motto when I was back in high school and somehow I abandoned it when I started my online business. Much like the typical newbie I got into the habit of jumping from one thing to the next, chasing the next shiny button that … Read more