Today I’m looking at a new membership plugin called SwiftMember. If you’ve been been online for any amount of time then you’ve probably figured out that everyone making a full time income online is selling their own products. But what you may or may not know is that the real money is in member ship sites.
Membership sites allow you to do a few things that will take your business to the next level and have that job quitting financial freedom you’re looking for. These include:
- The ability to charge recurring amounts/prices for your products and services
- Protect your content from digital thieves and black hat sites
- Provide a community for your customers where they can access their purchases easily and interact with each other
- Sell other products inside the members area or by mailing your members directly.
Digital Theft
Not too long ago I had a launch where my customers accessed their purchase through a simple download page. I did not create a members area because I wanted to get everything done fast and the membership software on the market were just too expensive at the time.
The launch did really well but soon my download page was share on a few blackhat sites and people were downloading my products for free. What made it worse is that I had hosted my downloads on Amazon S3 (a paid service) and got a huge bill from them a month later. From then on I knew that I needed to use membership sites.
Swift Member Membership Solution
Now swift member does a lot of things that other membership software do but there are a few things that stand out that make it a solid investment for your business:
- Its quick and easy to get started with your first membership site
- It integrates with multiple merchants systems (Paypal, JVZoo, Clickbank and more)
- It integrates with all the major autoresponders (Aweber, GetResponse, Sendreach etc)
- You can create funnels to increase your revenue
- Built in licensing system for software, wordpress plugins etc. This alone is more than worth the price of the membership plugin
These are just some of the reasons why I strongly recommend Swift member if you are serious about making a full time income online.
Bonus Time
To make this an absolute no brainer for you I am adding a few bonuses if you purchase through my link below. These are a great compliment to the software and will make setting up your membership sites a lot easier.
Early Bird Bonus #1: IM Pro Plugin
Generate Instant Salespages, Squeeze Pages, Review Pages & Exit Pops

Early Bird Bonus #2: Turbo Power Graphic Pack
Demand Your Visitors’ Attention And Captivate Them
With This Blowout Graphics Package!
- No Technical knowledge Required
- No Installation
- No Uploading
- No PHP Script Settings
- Just copy and paste the HTML Code we provide and Your Facebook Page will be turned into an Online Store

Early Bird Bonus #3: Speed Lock
The Ultimate Viral Lead Collecting System:
Collect Leads, Generate Twitter Traffic AND/OR Profit in Minutes

Early Bird Bonus #4: 3D Box Generator
A Photoshop action software that will turn photoshop layers into a nice 3D box with shadows and reflections, ready to use to promote your business products and services!

- 3D box generator created by a top graphics company!
- Turn photoshop layers into a nice 3D box with shadows and reflections
- Super Simple To Use!
- Comes with a PDF guide that explains how to use it.

Early Bird Bonus #5: CTA Revealr Plugin
Create Unlimited High-Converting Call to Action Shortcode Buttons in WordPress!

Early Bird Bonus #6: Easy Mobile Squeeze Pages
Get 50 Easy To Use And Instal Fully Customizeable Mobile Squeeze Pages

Early Bird Bonus #7: Local Lead Booster
Quick and easy setup – this theme makes it really easy to boost your local marketing leads. This works for your own business or for businesses you are helping or selling leads to

- Clear your cookies in your browser (Here’s How To Do It)
- Get Your Copy Of Swift Member Through This Link
- Contact me at my support desk at and be sure to include your JVzoo transaction receipt
- I will respond with your bonus within 24 hours
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”6″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right”]Get Swift Member Now[/su_button]